Let us strive to fulfill our responsibilities in assuring the diversity and balance of the ecosystem is maintained carefully. Let us preserve the sustainability of nature for current and future generations.
Norlin Binti Jaafar, Director General, Department of Environment Malaysia
Quick info
Firstly, do you know that 21st of October every year is the National Environment Day?
Secondly, National Environment Week (Minggu Alam Sekitar Malaysia) is celebrated from 21st October to 27th October every year.
Regards to it, celebration of National Environment Day was initiated in 1978 with different theme for each year until today.
This year, celebration of National Environment Day 2020 will be held in Kelantan on 23rd October 2020.
In which the theme of National Environment Day for 2020 is ‘ALAM SEKITAR TANGGUNGJAWAB BERSAMA’.

Here are the objectives of National Environment Day
First, it is to improve environmental awareness among public
Secondly, it is to build up and enhance cooperation between Federal and State Government in management of environment
Lastly, it is to encourage cooperation between agencies such as NGO, private agencies, individuals and others in efforts to conserve the environment
Following the event, there are various of programs organized by DOE in conjunction National Environment Week 2020. Further information can be accessed at the official website